A New Thing: How God is Creating Life in Desert Places

Image of a young tree alone in the desert sand to describe how God is doing a new thing

Over the summer, I found myself staring at my computer screen in horror. I felt my stomach plummet to my feet and my heart threaten to escape my ribcage. All our blog posts on our website—more than a decade of writing—was gone. My amateur efforts to switch hosting providers and themes for our website, along with a fair amount of procrastination in fixing issues, resulted in what was, in my mind, a catastrophic loss. My daughter worked a bit on our website the year before, so I called her immediately to see if she, by some miracle, had backed up our website (and our work). She hadn’t, but she said something that almost immediately gave me peace, “I’m so sorry Mom…but maybe this means God wants to do a new thing….”